

Open Source Contributions



KeepUp is an command-line client that mimics a to-do list in the terminal. In order to keep track of tasks without ever leaving your favorite terminal, KeepUp allows you to add, update and remove tasks as well as retrieving the entire list of tasks in general.

Bioinformatics Scripts

Within this collection of bash scripts, there are scripts to accomplish a variety of bioinformatics-related tasks such as generating hamming distances, generating and analyzing trees and editing multiple trees to test different tree properties. These programs have the ability to either operate one or multiple rounds in order to gather more data for experiments with minimal user interaction.

Friends Reddit Bot

Reddit bot designed to read posts in the Friends subreddit and reply to posts with specific terms in them. By analyzing posts, it is able to select a few ways to reply in a way that makes sense whlie maintaining a joke about Friends.

Open Source Contributions

Git Brunch

In order to keep track of recipes in an easy-to-read and easy-to-access format, Git Brunch was created. Contributions include adding of liked recipes that have worked in the past.

DUMBeLL (DistribUted Mutex By Link reversaL)

Applied mutual exclusion rules to link reversal algorithms in order to test the perserved effect on the distributed system.

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink